Changing roles can be challenging enough, but can be even more difficult when changing from one type of corporate culture to another. Moving from a large financial to a small startup certainly fits into the ‘challenging’ model. It wasn’t until long after I had left my previous employer to realise how little trust there really …
Author: Steven Plunkett
When I resigned I had no job to go to, and my successor-to-be was about to take a month off to get married. I didn’t want to leave him nor my team in the lurch, which is why I ended up giving 9 weeks notice (for my American readers, the Australian standard is 4 weeks). …
Several people have contacted me asking to hear more about my job hunting experiences in the US. The short story is that I did indeed find work in the last week of May, and I joined my current employer in mid-July. I will write a longer version of this for my next post, but I …
On Monday, February 18th 2013, I did something interesting. I tendered my resignation from Deutsche Bank. And even more unlike me, I did it with no job to go to. This wasn’t a rash decision, but something I’ve been thinking about over the last few months. Ultimately it boiled down to a few important things. …
A situation that affects a lot of those in Information Technology is one where they have to decide which path to follow. Do I stay technical or do I move into management? This is not a win-lose situation, and there is no right or wrong answer. Like any other choice you make regarding your career, …
It would be fair to say that all of us at one time or another have had problems with our boss, whether it was when you started your career or if you are a manager yourself. There are things that he or she does that irk, irritate or even anger you. Hopefully there were also …
Early in my career in IT, and even prior to that when I was still in high school, I found myself deeply curious about the history of the Internet. This lead me down a path of research and wonder as I discovered not just how the Internet came about but the key people and organisations …
Several years ago, I got into a particular argument that I still think about from time to time. It was a project meeting and I had recently taken over the team that I manage now. During the meeting I had a battle of words I had a run in with the project manager around the timeline, …
A long time user of the Internet and the World Wide Web, I’ve found that only in the past few years have weblogs moved from being largely a casual indulgence of unedited opinion to sources of genuinely thoughtful and informative content. I’ve decided to create a professional weblog to document my thoughts around both technology …
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